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Tìm kiếm của bạn không khớp với ứng dụng nào.
HR data / holidays / day offs Miễn phí

HR Application for storing, editing, quickly accessing employee data and managing vacations and absences.

PayU Integration Miễn phí

PayU and Bitrix24.CRM integration application for collecting payments and paying invoices easily. Start your free 14-day trial period.

Shipper Miễn phí

Create parcels directly in CRM and Track the status of parcels from popular services directly in CRM

Calculator in Deals Miễn phí

Module for Deals in Bitrix24 that manages all product costs considering different currencies, while the calculator automatically calculates the marginality of the Deal.

SerwerSMS Integration Mobile Miễn phí

Combine Bitrix24 with the SMS(messages)-sending service Serwersms.pl.

E-archiwum Miễn phí

A comprehensive solution ensuring proper processing of incoming documents between responsible employees ✓ Document registration ✓ Processing documents ✓ Documents Archive

Backup Miễn phí

Ensure the safety and security of your data automatically - Run backups for the Bitrix24 account's main data.

Check company by NIP Miễn phí

Automatic creation of a company by NIP (Tax Identification Number) based on GUS data. Now you don't have to manually enter the company and its data every time. All you need to do is to know your NIP number and all other information - Company name, Country and City, Province and Community, full address with zip code - will be filled in automatically. A check is also performed on the list of VAT payers. Start your free 14-day trial period.

MAPS MOBILE Mobile Miễn phí

Plan business trips, courier deliveries, build routes using Google Map directly in your Bitrix24 or just watch all your clients on the map. Start your free 14-day trial period.

MeetMe Miễn phí

The app for scheduling meetings through a convenient CRM-form synchronized with employee’s calendar in Bitrix24.

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