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Tìm hiểu thêm
bi-analytics reports deals leads fields contacts products company activities calls crm sales intelligence external documents import employees clients business processes sales smart processes

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Điểm cao nhất

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  • Mới nhất ở trên đầu
  • Điểm cao nhất
  • Được cài đặt nhiều nhất
Tìm kiếm của bạn không khớp với ứng dụng nào.
Deal analytics summary Miễn phí

Analyze deal data for the required time period. Identify the most efficient customer handling scenarios as well as tight spots that may need improvement.

Telephony calls Miễn phí

Telephony calls as PowerBI data source

Leads Miễn phí

Leads as PowerBI data source

Universal data source for BI analytics Miễn phí

Any CRM data as PowerBI data source

Deal stage history Miễn phí

Deal stage history as PowerBI data source

Bitrix24 Analytics Miễn phí

Bitrix24 Enhanced Reports for CRM and Tasks, SQL export.

Deal analytics Miễn phí

Analyze deals and identify tight spots that may need improvement.

Lead generation Miễn phí

View and analyze how your business creates leads

Key performance indicators Miễn phí

Analyze performance indicators most critical to your business

ABC Analysis Miễn phí

Identify and prioritize key customers

Customer churn and retention Miễn phí

Analyze customer retention and churn

Workflow analytics Miễn phí

Analyze your business workflows.

Comparative sales analysis Miễn phí

Compare products or product groups by total sales, number of deals, items sold or discount.

Workflow performance Miễn phí

Analyze workflow performance in your company.

SPA Summary Miễn phí

Analyze the efficiency of SPAs inside your company.

Activities Miễn phí

Timeline activities as PowerBI data source

Data Connector Miễn phí

Data Connector is a professional solution for BI analytics integration.

Product rows of deals Miễn phí

Product rows of deals as PowerBI data source

Contacts Miễn phí

CRM contacts as PowerBI data source

Companies Miễn phí

Companies as PowerBI data source

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