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Tìm hiểu thêm
smart scripts crm leads deals finance routes maps

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Điểm cao nhất

  • Phổ biến
  • Mới nhất ở trên đầu
  • Điểm cao nhất
  • Được cài đặt nhiều nhất
Tìm kiếm của bạn không khớp với ứng dụng nào.
Smart Finance scripts Miễn phí

SMART FINANCE scripts allow recording and saving income and expenses in Bitrix24 deals . You can also calculate the balance and expenses spent on the deal. In addition, it shows the deal's MARGIN.

Smart Deal Scripts for Sales Department Miễn phí

Send SMS to a group of customers, notify employees and add observers to a batch of deals.

Smart Lead Scripts for Sales Department Miễn phí

Send SMS to a group of customers, notify employees and add observers to a batch of leads.

Routes in Google Maps - Scripts Miễn phí

The smart script "Routes in Google Maps" allows you to create a route for two addresses in Google Maps in Bitrix24 deals. Set tasks for employees with a built route.

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