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Telegram by Whatcrm
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Telegram by Whatcrm

Connecting Telegram to Bitrix24 allows you to integrate Telegram with your Bitrix24 account, making it easier to communicate with clients and transfer files directly through Open Lines

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Sự miêu tả
Try Telegram integration with Bitrix24 for free for 3 days!

Integration options:

Full integration with Bitrix24 Open Lines: combine Telegram and Bitrix24 functionality for barrier-free communication.

Contact your customers first: Be one step ahead by starting a dialog with your customers.

Send files: Easily send photos, videos and documents (xls, pdf) directly through Telegram.

Messages with emoji and formatting: Use emoji and basic formatting to create more compelling messages.

CRM marketing: Send messages through Bitrix24 CRM marketing for better engagement.

Connect multiple numbers: manage multiple Telegram numbers to enhance your communication capabilities.

Easy widget payment: pay for the widget after a 3-day free period directly from the widget interface.

Send voice messages: Easily send voice messages through the built-in web messenger for more dynamic communication.

Information on tariffs and prices
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